Reforestation training at Manos Amigas

Reforestation and Environment

A group of graduates from Pre-Primary Teacher Training at the Colegio Integral Cientifico en Computación (Computer and Science College), including two of our own Manos Amigas: Alumni Mishel, Paola Fuentes Patzan and Gladis Nohemi Asencio Sabaleta, are currently carrying out their final project.

A group of these students are working with the secondary school students of Manos Amigas on a project which focuses on reforestation and the environment. As part of this seminar, they invited an engineer to come to the foundation and talk to secondary school students about the topic. We were extremely pleased to have been picked to work with this group of graduates on such an important topic, as we continuously stress the importance of the environment to our students. It’s small measures like planting a group of beautiful Cottonwood trees across the entire foundation, that make a big difference.

